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New Location In Garfield Heights

Our Garfield Heights scrub store recently moved to a new address! Check out the newest Med Threads uniform store on Transportation Blvd. and find great deals on your favorite brands.

5672 Transportation Blvd.
Garfield Heights OH 44125

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Shop Online at Affuniforms.com

We are working on bringing a great shopping experience to the new Med Threads online store, but we're not quite ready yet. For now we ask that you shop with us at affuniforms.com

Medthreads.com is making big improvements to online shopping for our retail customers and group accounts alike. In 2025 we will launch a new online store at medthreads.com with tons of features to make online shopping easier and faster.

For now we're keeping our online store at affuniforms.com as our shopping site. We hope to see you there and we can't wait to bring our new online store to you early in 2025.